Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday and it's been an odd day all over.

Woke up early to clear my work, then started working on writing the letters to her. Totally went into emo overdrive while writing it, really not the best feelings to have when trying to write a convincing statement to win back the heart and feelings. But I suppose being pretty honest would work in letting her know how I feel. Broke down and feel the tears well up at different points, but well, finally got the letter written and wrote another one that sounded a lot more positive. At least this way she'll be able to keep the nice one if she didn't want to read the bad one.

Met up with a friend, Kevin, for lunch which ended up being a five hour marathon at the happy place. Had a good conversation too that included random thoughts about people, women, how I'm a decent guy, how decent guys don't get girls and why women are actually more crazy about donuts than guys. Followed up with a drink at Starbucks and more chatting as we relaxed. Ended up missing class since he managed me to relax a bit and not be too occupied about being in such control of everything.

Sigh, got the letters mailed after that along with a birthday card. I think it's one of my more simpler presents to her, but well, until things are certain, I suppose sending big gifts or even money to her wouldn't be the brightest of ideas. But then she needs help and I suppose that's where my weak point is.

Oh well, slowly and surely something gonna give. Either her resolve to be distant from me or my resolve to be close to her. I really wish and hope it won't be the latter.

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