Monday, October 5, 2009

Surprisingly, something just came into my mind about blogging once again. I always used to say that I'd end up blogging when I was depressed or emotional; but it seems like it's more of losing an outlet of communication. (That being the end of a significant relationship)

So here it is again, and I'm ironically back on blogspot since it's connected to Gmail and all that. (Google's seriously going to take over the world sooner or later and we'll all be customers of a megacompany rather than citizens of any nations.) I don't know exactly how long all this blogging will go on since eventually I'll either lobotomize myself or find someone I can feel comfortable enough with to share all of this mental thunderstorm raging in my mind.

Then the next question pops up. Am I writing this for myself or is it for someone/random people to read? I guess it's not easy to answer since I'm posting in a public domain and not writing in one of those little diaries. (I wonder how girly that would be) But well, it's just going to appear somewhere for people to read and I'm sure eventually I'll give the link to friends or someone will stumble through it.

Kinda sulky for a first post but then it's just this outlet for getting a little bit of my headache out of my head. Maybe I should try starting a book or something, that would be extremely interesting I suppose.

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