Monday, October 19, 2009

Missed posting on Sunday since I was sort of making a concentrated effort at staying off the internet. Or rather, just chatting with people.

I went for 24 full hours and I'm pretty proud of it, not that it's anything amazing. Just felt that I wanted to do it because I just got sick of feeling that situation where I'm trying too hard with everything. And it always feels that way with everything, especially most people. You know the situation where people are picking teams for games and stuff? I'm pretty sure 99% of the time, I'd probably be passed on or just picked last. It's getting annoying but I suppose that's just how things are in my life.

I might be nitpicking on this, but when it turns out all the time that people just don't have any interest in hanging out with me, I suppose it's just me and I'm just not the sort of person people have any interest in hanging out with. I guess I'm just ranting for the sake of ranting, I mean, I do accept that stupid situation but it's just bleh.

Okay, total rant in this post, and there's nothing much else that I feel like saying. Gotta look at work this week and probably some bit of school assignments too. I just wish something positive happened today.

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